Beef Marrow Bones
Straight from our local Ontario Farm, these marrow bones have been known for their flavorful addition to soups and as a delicacy for dogs but bone marrow fat may also have untapped health benefits, new research finds. Researchers find that with calorie restriction, a less-studied fat tissue releases adiponectin, which is linked to reduced risk of diseases like diabetes.
Bone marrow, the soft mushy stuff inside bone, is considered a delicacy in many kinds of cuisine. It contains a high percentage of fat -- about 96 percent -- but also many beneficial qualities, leading to potential health benefits. These include building immunity, repairing wounds, helping with digestion and even fighting cancer.
Tip: Try roasting by place them upright on a foil-lined baking sheet and roast at 450 for 15 minutes. Scoop out the marrow, spread it on toast and top with sea salt.
You can also try slicing them lengthwise. Preheat oven to 450°F. Place marrow bones on a tray or ovenproof skillet, bone side down. Roast until the bones are lightly browned, about 20 minutes. Some fat will render from the bones, but the majority of the marrow should stay in the bone. Serve immediately, with bread and a sharp green salad on the side.
Please note: Every attempt is made to vacuum seal all of our products however due to the nature of this product, it's not always possible therefore you may receive packages containing air. This in no way damages the product, you can keep it in your freezer with other items and use it as needed.